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Conheça os produtos da fabricante AV Displays


Aplicações para controle industrial, automação residencial, eletrodomésticos, IHM, medicina, medição, automotivo, médico, POS, KIOSK, entre outros.

A AV-Display é uma fabricante de módulos TFT coloridos (TN e IPS), painéis capacitive touch – CTP, painéis e módulos LCD monocromáticos, LCD shutter.

Industrial & Automation:

Product Features
Iong life time, high stability, touch & display integration, etc.

Product Range
Mono Display: STN / TN 
TFT Display: covering 4.3 “/7” /10.1 “/10.4” /12.1 “/15” /15.6 “, etc.

Main Applications
Mainly used for industrial control, human-computer interface, instrument, oiling machine, elevator, etc. applications.

Intelligent Life:

Product Features
High contrast, high color gamut, touch & display integration, high temperature resistance and supporting total solution; customization or semi-customization available.

Product Range
Mono Display: PMVA/TN
TFT Display: covering 4.3 “/5” /7 “/10.1” ,etc.
CTP: G+G, size up to 23.8”

Main Applications
Mainly used in white goods ( such as refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, etc.), Kitchen appliances (such as kitchen ventilator, microwave oven, etc.) and small home appliances (such as rice cooker, etc.)


Product Features
High contrast, high brightness,etc, customization or semi-customization available.

Product Range
Mono Display: TN/PMVA,  supporting low power consumption;
TFT Display: 1.77 “/2.4” /2.8 “/3.5″ /5.0″/7.0″/10.1” etc.


Main Applications
Sphygmomanometer, blood glucose meter, thermometer,oxygenerator,ventilator,massage chair etc.


Product Features
Wide temperature, high reliability, customizable for some products: irregular shape, all-black effect.

Product Range
Mono Display: PMVA (monochrome/multicolor/gray scale) /TN/STN
TFT Display: covering 4.3” /8” /10.25”/12.3”, etc.
LOAC Bonding (Liquid Optical Clear Adhesive Bonding)

Main Applications
Automobile or motorcycle dashboard

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Franciele Nornberg

Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica pela UFSC (2019), graduada em Engenharia Elétrica pelo IFSul em 2017. Trabalha na Macnica DHW desde 2019. Seu conhecimento técnico somado a utilização das boas práticas de copywriter são responsáveis pelos excelentes conteúdos divulgados no blog da Macnica. Franciele é também Instrutora Autorizada FPGA Intel e portanto, responsável pelo Treinamento FPGA Intel.